C. Y. O’Connor and Dr Henry Calvert Barnett

I thought it would be good to share some of the photos and images that I collected while researching and writing ‘Madness and Marvels:‘. Rather than putting them all on one page, I’ll spread them over several posts. Clicking on an image will take you to the webpage where I found it.

James Goatcher 'Park Bungalow' https://parliament.wa.gov.au/parliament/artcollect.nsf/WebPP/190FCB12726A086E48256D260022DE49?opendocument

Park Bungalow, in Quarry Street, Fremantle, was an important link between C. Y. O’Connor and Henry Barnett. Doctor Barnett built it as a family home in the 1880’s, and rented it to the O’Connor family in 1891 when he went on leave. The O’Connors rented it again from 1896 until 1900. It was considered one of the finest houses in Fremantle.

The house, on two levels, included a library, music room, breakfast room, numerous bedrooms, sevants’ quarters and a wine cellar. It also had stables, a significant consideration for O’Connor, who loved riding. It was set back from the road and overlooked both the harbour and the asylum.

This painting (by artist James Goatcher) is part of the Parliament House art collection. It was likely completed in the 1940’s, long after both men’s deaths. But given Dr Barnett’s love of flowers, the house and garden probably looked much the same in his day. Sadly, the house had fallen into ruin by the 1960s and was demolished.

Images for ‘Madness and Marvels’ (1)